Knight of Cups

Oh, the Knight of Cups, he bares his heart and soul the minute you meet and draws you in with lovey-dovey visions for a future together. However, this fanciful fellow as alluring as he is will eventually reveal his other side just as suddenly, one that is moody, overbearing, and over-emotional.
The energy of the Knight of Cups, when used for good, will help you get your groove back. When you open your heart, show others without fear your emotions, and take life by the horns, something magical will spark—love and imagination will fuse, and before long, you will feel as though you are the lead character of some steamy romance novel. When this Knight appears in a reading, it is time to let your imagination soar. Let your heart fill with passion and a yearning for adventure, but know that as wonderful the feeling may be at the moment, too much of a good thing will throw you out of balance. Enjoy the energy of the Knight for what it is and leave your expectations at the door.