King of Cups

Where confusion and panic grow, it is easy for the energy around to slip into a state of chaos, it is the calm and wise King of Cups; however, that has the command to restore harmony. When we connect with the spirit of the King of Cups, we begin to understand circumstances that elicit individual emotional responses—as a result, we discover our triggers and how to control them. This skill allows us to maintain balance, to help others during times of distress.
When the King of Cups appears, you are asked to step into the role of the compassionate teacher. Share your wisdom and focus your energy on creating a space of well-being for all. Are you tolerant? Are you letting your own emotions prevent you from extending help or compassion? Although a pacifist—he is not sitting on the sidelines, no when the King is near, steps are taken to bring opposing sides together. The King may also appear to support you in reconnecting with your spirit to help you dive deep and go inward. Are you capable of accepting your story as a whole, and if there is chaos within, can you find peace?