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Five of Wands


When one obstacle gets in your way, it can make for a challenging day, however, when the Five of Wands appears, you may be on the verge of experiencing an onslaught of challenges or distractions that will create the perfect atmosphere for you to take your eye off your goal.


Much like the cat being teased by all the feathers and not knowing which one to bat at first, you may experience a moment that feels like life's challenges are coming at you from all directions. It may be a grumpy partner, then a micro-managing boss, the phone call from your child's school, the flat tire you discover at the end of the day. It's a cavalcade of disasters! When you are mentally prepared for what life throws at you, the role you assume is that of a fighter. Let a little competitive energy sink in as you take on the day, and you will find success will be attainable.

© 2019 MJ Cullinane

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