Ace of Swords

Perfectly poised on his sword, the self-assured cat is ready to cut through any obstacle, to break free from the crowd, and to create a path that honors its true self.
The time has come for you to carve out your destiny! When the Ace of Swords appears in a reading, your situation may benefit from taking a stand. If you have been feeling inspired to speak truth to power, this is your signal that the conditions are perfect for your voice to be heard. You will be listened to and, most importantly—understood. Have confidence in what you speak and know that the strength you hold within will rise up just when you need it. You may face an obstacle that challenges your spirit, one that will have you questioning if this is one battle you will lose, however with the Ace of Swords by your side, you will find the energy and the mental clarity you need will manifest—all you need to do is call upon it. This is not a time to shy away from a problem. Ignoring it or turning your back on injustice will not make it go away. Use the Ace of Swords to your advantage because you have what it takes at this moment to clearly express what is needed to reach a successful conclusion.